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Voter & Charitable Support 

Giving Back, Getting Back: The Voter & Charitable Support Recognition Program

Beyond epic battles and thrilling quests, we believe in the power of making a positive impact in the real world. From the camaraderie and cooperation forged in our games to the dedication of our volunteers, our community thrives on giving back. That's why we're proud to offer programs that recognize and reward players who embody this spirit, both through their civic responsibility and their support for worthy causes. Read on to discover how you can earn exclusive rewards through our Voting Recognition and Charitable Support programs!

Make Your Voice Heard: Earn Rewards with Voting Recognition!

We believe in the power of voting to create positive change! Cast your vote in local, state, or national elections and claim a reward— one (1) build point or 100 GOB per year, awarded after the November event.


Make your voice count beyond the battlefield!  Simply fill out the form below with your voting confirmation. Remember, participating shapes your community AND unlocks a free build point or 100 GOB!





Be a Hero in Real Life: Earn Rewards with Charitable Support!

Our community thrives thanks to amazing players like you who give back. To show our appreciation, we're offering GOB rewards for volunteering or donating to charities that make a positive impact.


Here's how it works:

  • Volunteer your time: Earn 10 GOB per hour, with a maximum of 32 hours per year.

  • Make a donation: Earn 3 GOB per dollar donated, with a limit of $80 per year. (Your donation must go to a verified organization.)


You can claim rewards twice a year - before the season starts and at the mid-season break. Just fill out the form below and provide proof of your volunteering or donation. Remember, this program is meant to recognize your efforts, not replace volunteer work at events!


Need help finding a charity? Check out Charity Navigator to find a cause you care about.


Before your first game

Ready to apply?

To submit proof of volunteer or voting, please feel out this form. Please provide:


Volunteer or Charitable Contribution:

  • A link to your organization's website 

  • Upload a record of your volunteer or charitable contribution. Ex: Receipt, time log, email confirmation, etc.



  • Upload a confirmation of your vote.
    Ex: Photo of you with your voting sticker, a screen grab of your voter search. 






Voting and/or Charitable Support Form

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